Why must you study hard in school?
1.You must study hard in school because if u do not study hard, you will be wasting your parents money.
2. You will disappoint your parents.
3.Your parents will not be proud of you.
5 months ago Report Abuse
lloyd_in... Asker
You just answered th question yourself. But those aren't the only question. In fact there are a lot of reason why you must study hard in school. Like.... To have a nice future ahead, to learn something wonderful, to gain knowledge about the past, present, and future, to survive the present day.
I think that your answer has a lot of knowledge in it. I wish I had thought of that.
1. It depends if you go to private school. And you won't necessarily be wasting their money. Some classes could be so easy for you, you don't need to study.
2 & 3. (The same thing almost) If your parents care about your grades, then if you're failing, they will most likely be dissappointed. But once again, some classes may be so easy, you don't need to study. Or, some people's parents don't care about their grades.
So in my opinion, it's not really studying you nee to worry about, but passing all of your classes. But if you have a harder class, an need to study, then you should to that.
study hard in school because if you're dumb you will miss out on a lot of life, not only because you wont reach your potential but because you wont even understand the world.
unless you wish to die without understanding what our lives mean, you should probably commit yourself to some form of active learning.
What strange options, i would not deem any of those answers correct.
You should study so you become educated .Once educated you can be a fully participating member of society with a job and the ability to look after yourself.
I think that it would be 1. + 2. but i could also be all of them. You are wasting your parents money, they will feel a bit of a filer of you, and also they wont be proud. X
Breana Williams
1. You might not be able to get scholarships into college
2. By looking at your grades they still might not accept you.
3. You wanna get a good job and splurge your money when you wanna right?
think of that
Ab Cd
You have to go to school if you want to make enough money to survive. It's not right, but that's just how it is and it'll only get worse so go to school while you still can.
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5 months ago Report Abuse
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Oh I thought it was so I could learn something. Well now that I have this information, I will do everything I can not to disappoint my mother or waste her money. Thanks
Sergeant Blopper
It ultimately comes down to the fact that if you dont study hard in school. You dont get a good job. Simple as that.
Sumber: yahoo
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