Monday, March 15, 2010

Beasiswa S1 Sampoerna School of Education 2010/2011




Sampoerna Foundation (SF) selalu kosisten bahwa Pendidikan yang bekualitas harus dapat diakses oleh semua, untuk itu Program Beasiswa SF akan mendukung sebagian besar dari murid Sampoerna School of Education (SSE). Beasiswa ditujukan untuk siswa dengan kemampuan akademik yang terbaik. SSE diharapkan dapat menciptakan kesempatan yang sama bagi generasi muda untuk mendapatkan Pendidikan yang bermutu.

  • Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
  • Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


Persyaratan umum ini berlaku bagi para mahasiswa yang mengikuti seleksi masuk baik melalui jenis pembiayaan reguler dan non reguler (beasiswa dan/atau bantuan finansial lainnya)

a. Lulus SMA atau setara pada tahun 2008, atau 2009, atau duduk di SMA kelas 12 pada saat mendaftar (lulusan tahun 2010) pada Sampoerna School of Education.

  • Program Pendidikan Matematika : SMA jurusan IPA
  • Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris : SMA semua jurusan

b. Bagi lulusan SMA Internasional harap menyertakan Ijazah yang disetarakan oleh Depdiknas.

c. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang dapat diperoleh pada sekolah masing-masing (sekolah partner), menghubungi bagian pendaftaran Putera Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) atau mengunduh dari website SSE (

d. Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik.

e. Nilai raport rata-rata 7,00 selama masa SMA (kelas 10 sampai dengan kelas 12) dengan nilai Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris minimum 7,00 .

f. Surat referensi dari Kepala Sekolah & Wali Kelas/Guru BK.

g. Surat keterangan kesehatan.

h. Lulus proses seleksi.


Persyaratan khusus yang berlaku bagi para calon mahasiswa yang ingin menggunakan jalur pembiayaan non-reguler (beasiswa) adalah sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam dokumen Pembiayaan Pendidikan di Sampoerna School of Education.

Selain persyaratan umum seperti yang tercantum diatas calon mahasiswa wajib melengkapi dokumen pendukung lainnya seperti yang tercantum di bawah ini:

a. Warga Negara Indonesia.

b. Menjelaskan dan menunjukan bukti kebutuhan tunjangan keuangan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan dengan melengkapi informasi yang tercantum dalam formulir pendaftaran mahasiswa baru SSE.

c. Memiliki prestasi akademik dan non-akademik yang tinggi semasa SMA yang dapat dibuktikan dengan nilai raport atau surat rekomendasi guru atau kepala sekolah.

d. Lulus proses seleksi beasiswa.


Pengembalian Formulir Pendaftaran diterima paling lambat 9 April 2010, ditujukan ke:

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Kebangkitan Nasional

Sampoerna School of Education Building 4th Floor
Jl. Kapt. Tendean no.88C
Jakarta Selatan 12710, Indonesia

5. INFORMASI PENDAFTARAN (silahkan menghubungi) :

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Kebangkitan Nasional

Sampoerna School of Education Building 4th Floor
Jl. Kapt. Tendean no.88C
Jakarta Selatan 12710, Indonesia

Student Recruitment Coordinator:

Syeron Syahril

Telp. 021-5772275

Admission Officer:

Kartini Hardjosuwignyo (Karin)

Telp. 021-5772275


1. Prosedur Pendaftaran

2. Formulir Pendaftaran

3. Formulir Surat Referensi

4. Biaya Pendidikan

Sumber: infobeasiswa

Beasiswa Inggris: British Chevening Scholarship 2010/2011

Beasiswa Chevening merupakan beasiswa dari pemerintah Inggris (UK) yang didanai oleh Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) dan dikelola oleh British Council. Beasiswa ini diberikan untuk mahasiswa pascasarjana dari berbagai negara di dunia termasuk diantaranya Indonesia. Mereka yang terpilih akan menempuh studi di Inggris.

The British Chevening Awards General Information & Requirements


  • A prestigious programme funded by the British Government (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and administered by the British Council.
  • Over 1000 scholarships awarded in Indonesia since 1984.
  • This year up to 35 full scholarships are offered for one year Master degrees.
  • Courses at various universities and professional institutions in the UK including courses in media, finance, economics, politics, law, management, engineering, gender, environment, democracy etc.
  • A very competitive scheme. Only the best applicants are invited for further test and interview.
  • Employees, employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than two years before) of the FCO (Foreign Commonwealth Office), including FCO posts, the British Council and the sponsor will not be eligible to apply for these awards.

Who can apply?

  • Indonesian Citizen.
  • Age between 25 – 40 years old.
  • Excellent first degree with minimum GPA 3.0.
  • Adequate level of spoken and written English language.
  • Minimum of 2 years full time working experience after graduation from S1.
  • Excellent career prospects.
  • Commitment to career development, and ability to demonstrate motivation.
  • Field of study should be relevant to educational background or current profession.
  • We regret that we are unable to receive applications for MBAs.
  • Previous recipients of a Chevening scholarship for Masters degrees are not eligible to reapply.
  • Must be able to demonstrate future leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia’s development.
  • Ability and potential to contribute to future bilateral relations between Indonesia and Britain.
  • We strongly encourage candidates from Eastern Indonesia to apply. Subject areas are: Media, International Relations, Environmental Policy, Local Governmental Administration, Democracy and Pluralism.

When to apply?

  • Applications for 2010/11 Chevening Scholarships will open 1 Oct 2009 and close on 31 December 2009.
    The next scheme will be advertised in the national and regional press

The Selection process

  • Initial selection is based on the quality of the written application. You do not need to attach any documents with the application form.
  • Successful applicants will be notified and invited for an English test/interview in January 2008.
  • The English test and interviews will be held in Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Makassar.
  • The results of the interviews will be announced by letter.
  • Candidates achieving an IELTS score of at least 6.5, and who are accepted by a UK university for an appropriate subject (approved by the Embassy) will be awarded a full scholarship.
  • English language training is included as part of the scholarship (only if required). Candidates from outside Jakarta are supported during the period of the course.
  • Whilst undergoing English language training in Jakarta, candidates are briefed by British Embassy and British Council staff and are given guidance on course selection and application procedures.
  • The academic year in the UK commences in September/October. After completing the English courses (around May) candidates are normally advised to return to their employment. The British Council then keeps in touch with candidates about their departure arrangements. Further briefing on the departure arrangements is provided one month prior to departure.
  • The final number of scholarships granted is determined by the British Embassy.

How to Apply
Details about all countries where the Chevening Scholarships scheme operates can be found here.

Prospective scholars applying for Chevening scholarships for 2010/11 will need to apply on-line here: E-Chevening.

For further information please contact:

British Council

Rowena Rompas
British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower II,
16th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190

Phone number: +62 21 515 5561
Fax number : +62 21 515 5562

E-mail :
E-mail :

visit the website

TOP 10 Tips for TOEFL Test

March 12, 2010

TOEFL® Test – Tips To Take You To The Top!

The TOEFL Test, is the most widely accepted English-language assessment used at more than 7,300 institutions in 130 countries including the U.K., U.S. and Canada. The test is divided into four sections – Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

Here are some pointers and resources to help you get on your way to score well for the test.

1.Find something interesting to read and listen to, then practice speaking and writing about it.

Listen to Podcasts, recorded lectures – check the website of your favorite University. Go to news websites such as,, Read up on your favorite subjects on popular websites such as Tell a friend or family member about what you learned.

2.Work with a speaking partner, preferably with a native speaker of English or try an online video chat! The more opportunity you have to speak the language, the more familiar you will become.

3.Take on the role of a great journalist: Take good notes and use them to make summaries.

4.Make vocabulary flash cards and pretend you are a contestant on a vocabulary quiz show. Carry the flash cards with you often. They are a great way to make a bus ride go by quickly.

5.Visit TOEFL-TV on YouTube. for great resources and tips from English language instructors and students that have taken the TOEFL test.

6. Reading Tips

Practice summarizing and paraphrasing texts. Use charts and outlines to organize the ideas in a text. Practice speed reading techniques. Practice reading (and answering questions) on a computer screen. Expand your vocabulary with daily-use vocabulary cards.

7. Listening Tips

i. Listen for basic information – did you comprehend the main idea, major points and important details?
ii. Listen for “pragmatic” understanding – Can you recognize a speaker’s attitude? What is the purpose of the speech? What is their role? Are they an authority or are they a passive part of the conversation?
iii. Listen for connecting and synthesizing – Can you understand the relationship between ideas? Compare and contrast. Determine the cause and effect.

8. Speaking Tips

Read aloud a short article from a newspaper, campus newspaper, magazine, textbook, or the Internet. Write down 2 – 3 questions about the article.

With a speaking partner – Answer the questions. Outline the main points of the article. Give a one-minute oral summary of the article. Express your opinion about it. If there is a problem discussed, give the solution.

  • Speaking Tips – Pronunciation
  • Speak in s-l-o-w motion. You could imitate American or British intonation and rhythm patterns. You could also work on problematic sounds, such as:

[ t ] and [ d ] – uncurl your tongue
[ p ], [ t ], and [ k ] – add some air!
[ p ] and [ b] – close your lips
[ f ] and [ v ] – lower lip to teeth

  • Find an accent reduction coach
  • Your pronunciation doesn’t have to be perfect, but native speakers should be able to understand you.

iii. Listen for connecting and synthesizing – Can you understand the relationship between ideas? Compare and contrast. Determine the cause and effect.

9. Writing Tips

Find a writing buddy who can give you feedback. Read an article and find listening material on the same topic. Write a summary of each. Explain the ways they are similar and the ways they are different.

10. Combine all your skills!

Find listening and reading materials on the same topic from the library or Internet (e.g., news websites such as Take notes or create outlines on each. Give a one-minute oral summary of each.

Explain how the two relate in a short written response (150 – 225 words). Take notes or create outlines on each. Give a one-minute speech about the same.

Use free resources:, download TOEFL iBT Tipswatch video clips highlighting study practices, download sample questions, join communities on SMS GupShup for free updates.

(This TOEFL article was submitted by Archana Kori from the )

Free Resourses: Build GRE Vocabulary Free on

Japan Indonesia Scholarship (JIPS)

The Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program

Funded by a grant from the Government of Japan, the Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (JIPS) supports PhD studies in an academic field of study covered by ten Indonesian Centers of Excellence (CoE) participating in the program. Each of these newly established Centers of Excellence is located at a leading higher education institution in the country with a demonstrated track record in the pursuit of excellence. The goal of the program is to promote excellence in research in these Centers to support the Ministry of National Education in its mission to improve the quality of higher education and research in the country.

Interested candidates can find applications here. Please read all instructions before below before filling out the application.

Who can apply?

Applicants must meet the following general criteria to be eligible for a scholarship:

  • Be a national and resident of Indonesia
  • Be under 45 years at application deadline
  • Must have completed and been awarded a master's degree, or equivalent, at the time of application however, outstanding candidates with a bachelor degree can be considered for a Master-PhD track
  • Have maintained a GPA of at least 3 on a scale of 4 in both undergraduate and graduate studies

Full-time lecturer and/or researcher in a Center of Excellence (CoE) or equivalent institution in Indonesia are encouraged to apply.

Check mark
Interested candidates should submit application packages by March 26, 2010 to the relevant Center of Excellence of their choice. Preselected candidates will be invited to an interview by the end of April 2010.

What is the Program’s purpose?

The purpose of the Program is to support scholarship recipients in upgrading their qualifications and to provide them with an international study experience at leading academic institutions in World Bank member countries, except Indonesia. During their studies, scholars are encouraged to build and foster academic collaborations and partnerships. On return to Indonesia, scholars are expected to take an active role in the academic life of the sponsoring CoE.

Host Institution

Candidates should seek admission at a university of their choice in World Bank member countries.

What does the scholarship cover?

  • The scholarship covers full tuition for a period of three to four years, and the cost of basic medical and accident insurance usually obtained through the university.
  • A monthly subsistence allowance to cover living expenses, including books.
  • Economy class air travel between the home country and the host university at the start of the study program and one return journey following the end of the overall scholarship period. In addition to the ticket, scholars receive a US $500 travel allowance for each trip.

The benefits only apply to the scholarship recipient.

The JIPS scholarship does not cover:

  • expenses for the scholar's family
  • educational equipment such as computers

What are the fields of study supported by JIPS?

The proposed program of study and research proposal should reflect the sponsoring CoE: Biotechnology, Bioenergy, Infrastructure and Urban Development, Small and Medium Enterprise Development, Bioindustry and Business, Good Corporate Governance, Distance Learning, Special Needs Education, Reproductive Health, Economic Policy.

How are awardees selected?

Eligible candidates are evaluated by the sponsoring Center of Excellence (CoE) which screens the applications according to their selection procedures for graduate scholarships. Final awards are made by a Steering Committee, based on the following:

  • academic records
  • professional and academic experience; and
  • relevance of proposed program of study to the corresponding CoE.

Selected candidates will be informed by the relevant CoE.

Scholar’s Commitment

The scholarship recipient will be requested to sign a formal commitment to return and work in his/her sponsoring CoE for a minimum of a two-year period for each year of scholarship received. Each CoE commits to recruit its sponsored scholars upon completion of their PhD studies .

Scholars are expected to mention the JIPS scholarship in any publication related to their doctoral research work, including their thesis, and to provide the Program with a copy of their thesis upon graduation

How to apply?

Application forms and information about the application procedure are available in the participating Centers of Excellence, and here.

For the inquiries related to JIPS, please send an e-mail to

For specific inquiries about the scholarship positions and additional selection criteria, interested candidates are invited to contact the respective Center of Excellence directly.

Sumber: world bank

Penerimaan mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011

Jadwal Kegiatan

Vokasi, S1 Reguler, S1 Paralel, S1 Kls Internasional (SIMAK)

  1. 18 Jan - 23 Mar: Periode pengisian formulir pendaftaran
  2. 18 Jan - 26 Mar: Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran
  3. 18 Jan - 26 Mar: Pendaftaran online
  4. 18 Jan - 10 Apr: Periode upload dokumen persyaratan pendaftaran (Khusus pendaftar yang memilih S1 Kelas Khusus Internasional)
  5. 22 Feb - 26 Mar: Pencetakan kartu tanda peserta ujian
  6. 11 Apr - 11 Apr: Ujian saringan masuk
  7. 15 Mei - 15 Mei: Pengumuman hasil seleksi masuk


  1. 19 Jan - 23 Mar: Periode pengisian formulir pendaftaran
  2. 19 Jan - 26 Mar: Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran
  3. 19 Jan - 26 Mar: Pendaftaran online
  4. 19 Jan - 10 Apr: Periode upload dokumen persyaratan pendaftaran
  5. 22 Feb - 26 Mar: Pencetakan kartu tanda peserta ujian
  6. 11 Apr - 11 Apr: Ujian saringan masuk
  7. 15 Mei - 15 Mei: Pengumuman hasil seleksi masuk

Profesi (SIMAK)

  1. 18 Jan - 26 Mar: Pendaftaran online
  2. 19 Jan - 23 Mar: Periode pengisian formulir pendaftaran
  3. 19 Jan - 10 Apr: Periode upload dokumen persyaratan pendaftaran
  4. 20 Jan - 26 Mar: Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran
  5. 22 Feb - 26 Mar: Pencetakan kartu tanda peserta ujian
  6. 11 Apr - 11 Apr: Ujian saringan masuk
  7. 15 Mei - 15 Mei: Pengumuman hasil seleksi masuk


  1. 18 Jan - 26 Mar: Pendaftaran online
  2. 19 Jan - 23 Mar: Periode pengisian formulir pendaftaran
  3. 19 Jan - 10 Apr: Periode upload dokumen persyaratan pendaftaran
  4. 20 Jan - 26 Mar: Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran
  5. 22 Feb - 26 Mar: Pencetakan kartu tanda peserta ujian
  6. 11 Apr - 11 Apr: Ujian saringan masuk
  7. 15 Mei - 15 Mei: Pengumuman hasil seleksi masuk

dan ini adalah akhirnya.

Sumber: simak ui


Sebagai bentuk kepedulian dan semangat pemerataan kesempatan mengenyam pendidikan tinggi bagi calon mahasiswa baru yang berprestasi dan berasal dari keluarga dengan keterbatasan ekonomi, maka Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional RI mengadakan program Beasiswa BIDIK MISI. Kesempatan ini terbuka untuk siswa SMA/SMK/MA/MAK yang dijadwalkan lulus tahun 2010 serta mendaftarkan diri di Universitas Indonesia untuk Program Vokasi (melalui jalur masuk SIMAK) serta Program Sarjana Reguler (melalui jalur masuk PPKB dan SIMAK). Beasiswa ini bukan merupakan jalur masuk UI. Pemberian beasiswa ini hanya berlaku jika calon mahasiswa mendaftarkan diri terlebih dahulu di UI dan diterima pada Program Vokasi atau Sarjana Reguler tahun akademik 2010/2011 melalui jalur-jalur masuk tersebut di atas.

Perlu diketahui oleh para calon mahasiswa UI, beasiswa Bidik Misi ini mencakup biaya pendidikan per semester (Biaya Operasional Pendidikan dan Dana Kesejahteraan dan Fasilitas Mahasiswa) dan tidak mencakup Uang Pangkal. Untuk Uang Pangkal, UI menyediakan beasiswa tersendiri yang pengajuannya bersamaan dengan penetapan BOP Berkeadilan. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai beasiswa ini dapat diunduh di website UI pada saat Anda diterima di UI.

Pengajuan permohonan dilakukan secara kolektif oleh sekolah masing-masing dengan mengirimkan formulir yang telah diisi dan dilengkapi dengan berkas-berkas berikut ini:

1) Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi oleh siswa yang bersangkutan dan dilengkapi dengan pasfoto ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar. Formulir pendaftaran dapat diunduh di alamat dan/atau atau difotokopi dari panduan program beasiswa BIDIK MISI yang tersedia;
2) Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Siswa (KTS) atau yang sejenis sebagai bukti siswa aktif;
3) Fotokopi rapor semester 1 s/d 5 disertai surat keterangan tentang peringkat siswa di kelas dan bukti pendukung prestasi lain di bidang keilmuan/akademik yang disahkan (legalisasi) oleh kepala sekolah/ pimpinan unit Dikmas;
4) Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga Miskin.
5) Bagi keluarga yang tidak memiliki kartu Keluarga Miskin, harus menyertakan Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu yang dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya, yang dikeluarkan oleh kepala desa/kepala dusun/Instansi tempat orang tua bekerja/tokoh masyarakat; atau oleh Instansi Pejabat yang berwenang mengeluarkannya;
6) Slip gaji orang tua (ayah dan ibu, atau wali) yang bekerja di sektor formal, atau surat keterangan penghasilan total dari RT/RW yang diketahui lurah/Kepala Desa setempat bagi yang bekerja di sektor informal;
7) Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga dan KTP orang tua;
8) Fotokopi rekening listrik bulan terakhir (apabila tersedia aliran listrik) dan atau bukti pembayaran PBB dari orang tua/wali-nya.
9) Rekomendasi dari Kepala Sekolah/Pimpinan Unit Dikmas yang memberikan keterangan bahwa pendaftar adalah siswa berprestasi yang orang tua/wali-nya kurang mampu

Berkas dapat diajukan ke Rektor UI u.p. Direktur Kemahasiswaan Universitas Indonesia, Gedung Pusat Pelayanan Mahasiswa Terpadu, Kampus UI Depok, 16424 dengan mencantumkan BIDIK MISI pada pojok kiri atas amplop.

  • Penerimaan berkas paling lambat: 26 Maret 2010 cap pos
  • Pengumuman penerima : 7 Juni 2010 (bisa dilihat di
Sumber: simak ui

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